I believe in the forgiveness of sins
C S Lewis wrote about the guilty feelings he used to have about his sins as like getting toothache. He would delay dealing with his sin just as he would delay attending to a bad tooth out of fear of the dentist. People are naturally reluctant to face up to their sins and do something about them. Guilt, that deep down feeling of having done wrong, is the consequence. People say Christianity is guilt-ridden because it encourages people to do something about sin. Christianity is in fact guilt-ridding not guilt-ridden. The Founder of Christianity died and rose to bring us the forgiveness of sins which is the antidote to guilt. At Easter Jesus breathed on his disciples and said Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven (John 20v23a). If Christ has not been raised , Paul said, you are still in your sins (1 Corinthians 15v17). The possibility of forgiving and getting forgiven depends on the crucified Christ ...